Active Reset Mechanism

Implementing an active reset mechanism to prevent permanent latching of detectors in quantum communication systems.


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[Tanner2014] M. Tanner, V. Makarov, and R. Hadfield. "Optimised quantum hacking of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors" In: Opt. Express 22, 6734-6748. (2014) 10.1364/OE.22.006734.

QID: CM-0053
Tier: T0
Type: Quantum
Tactic: Harden
Created: 2024-04-12
Updated: 2024-05-10

Technique → Countermeasures

List of techniques where this countermeasure can be applied.

Items: 1
Description Technique

Employment of active reset mechanism.

Illuminating and Faked States Attack on SNSPDs