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Advanced Laser Diodes
Employment of advanced laser diodes in the transmitter can help reduce surface attack for the side-channel attack. This include, e.g. spectral filtering and temperature-stabilized diodes, shorter gates, produced repetition rate, etc.
[Biswas2021] | A. Biswas, A. Banerji, P. Chandravashi, R. Kumar, and R. Singh. "Experimental Side Channel Analysis of BB84 QKD Source" In: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 57, 1–7. (2021) 10.1109/JQE.2021.3111332. |
[Sagar2022] | J. Sagar, E. Hastings, P. Zhang, M. Stefko, D. Lowndes, D. Oi, J. Rarity, and S. Joshi. "Design and test of optical payload for polarization encoded QKD for Nanosatellites" In: Proc. SPIE 12335, Quantum Technology: Driving Commercialisation of an Enabling Science III, 1233509. (2023) 10.1117/12.2645103. arXiv:arXiv:2211.10814. |