Employing Another Quantum Protocol

Employing another quantum protocol is a strategy, where switching to alternative QKD protocols can mitigate specific vulnerabilities and enhance security against certain types of quantum attacks.


[BSI2023] BSI. "Implementation Attacks against QKD Systems". (2023) https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/EN/BSI/Publications/Studies/QKD-Systems/QKD-Systems.pdf.
[Gabdulkhakov2018] I. Gabdulkhakov, O. Morozov, G. Morozov, M. Zastela, A. Tyajelova, and L. Sarvarova. "Frequency coding quantum key distribution channel based on serial photons amplitude modulation and phase commutation" In: Proc. SPIE 10774, Optical Technologies in Telecommunications 2017, 107741Q. (2018) 10.1117/12.2322488.
[Scarani2004] V. Scarani, A. Acn, G. Ribordy, N. Gisin. "Quantum Cryptography Protocols Robust against Photon Number Splitting Attacks for Weak Laser Pulse Implementations" In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004), p. 057901. (2004) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.057901.

QID: CM-0006
Tier: T0
Type: Quantum
Tactic: Harden
Created: 2024-03-02
Updated: 2024-05-08

Technique → Countermeasures

List of techniques where this countermeasure can be applied.

Items: 15
Description Technique

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD.

Detector Control by Exploiting Superlinearity

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD.

Blinding Attack Using Dead Time

Avoid using a two-way QKD scheme.

Wavelength-Selected Photon-Number-Splitting Attack

Consider using a newer QKD protocol, e.g. CV-QKD, that is insensitive to timing variations among detectors.

Timing Attack Exploiting Detector Response Times

Consider an advanced protocol such as MDI-QKD or DI-QKD.

Dead Time Correlation Attack

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD.

Blinding Attack with Faked States

Use another quantum communication protocol such as MDI or DI.

Wavelength-Dependent Beamsplitter Attack

Employing another quantum communication protocol which is inherently PNS attack resistant.

For example, using a modified BB84 protocol with non-orthogonal states [Scarani2004]

Photon-Number-Splitting (PNS) Attack

Consider MDI-QKD type of protocols.

Detector Efficiency Mismatch Attack

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD.

Illuminating and Faked States Attack on SNSPDs

Employ another QKD protocol.

CV Detector-Control Attack

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD or EB-QKD.

Side Channel Exploitation in Transmitter Imperfections

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD.

Detector Control via After-Gate Pulses Attack

Employ the CV version of MDI-QKD protocol.

Saturation Attack

Use of other protocols, such as MDI-QKD.

Blinding Attack on Self-Differencing APDs