Full Device Imperfections Incorporation in Scientific Security Proof

Incorporating all device imperfections into the scientific security proof of quantum communication systems ensures robustness by accounting for all potential vulnerabilities after implementing countermeasures.


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QID: CM-0014
Tier: T0
Type: Quantum
Tactic: Model
Created: 2024-03-02
Updated: 2024-08-14

Technique → Countermeasures

List of techniques where this countermeasure can be applied.

Items: 15
Description Technique

Proper implementation of the PNS attack in the calculation of the secure key rate leads to a proper amount of privacy amplification [Gottesman 2004].

Photon-Number-Splitting (PNS) Attack

Quantifying FM imperfections and taking them into account in the security analysis [Wang2013].

Passive Faraday Mirror Attack

Consider this attack in your security proof, [Huang2018].

Timing Mismatch Attack on Signal and Decoy States

Consider this attack in your security proof [Zhao2008a,Zhao2010].

Laser Seeding Attack on Two-Way Scheme

Include this attack in your security proof.

Blinding Attack on Self-Differencing APDs

Consider this attack in your security proof.

Frequency Side Channel Attack in Twin-Field QKD

Incorporate the imperfection in security proof.

Non-Random Phase Attack

Include this attack in the full security proof.

Partially-Random-Phase Attack

Consider this attack in your security proof.

Detector Efficiency Mismatch Attack

Consider the attack in your security proof

Double-Click Attack

Implement this attack to security proof.

Frequency-Shift Attack

Include the attack in your security proof.

Spatial Misalignment Exploitation in QKD

Include this attack in your security proof.

Information Leakage Through Electromagnetic Radiation

Include this attack in your security proof (because it is just a partial key leakage).

Detector Control by Exploiting Superlinearity

Consider the attack in the security proof.

Including adjusting the security parameters based on observable data at the receiving end, ensuring that the final key remains secure despite any detected vulnerabilities [Molotkov2020b].

Side Channel Exploitation in Transmitter Imperfections