Detector Efficiency Mismatch Attack

The Detector Efficiency Mismatch Attack exploits the differential response times and sensitivities of the detectors in a quantum key distribution system. By manipulating the timing of the pulses, the threat actor (Eve) can ensure that only one of the two detectors is active at any given moment, allowing her to control the detection events and thereby gain knowledge of the key material without detection.


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QID: A-0069
Tier: T0
Type: Quantum
Tactic: Execution
Created: 2024-04-09
Updated: 2024-05-24

Technique → Countermeasures

List of countermeasures applicable to this technique.

Items: 7
Description Countermeasure

Against the mismatch in temporal DOF - a random shifting of the receiver detection time window

Employ the bit-mapped gating.

Consider MDI-QKD type of protocols.

Against the mismatch in temporal DOF - monitoring of QBER and coincidence statistics [Makarov2008]

Consider this attack in your security proof.

Employ a wavelength filter when exploiting the wavelength components.

Against the polarisation-dependent mismatch - active polarisation state scrambling inside the QKD receiver.